Today started out rough. We arent having the best of times in our 1st grade adventures of homeschooling right now. This morning didn't prove to be any different. So I let her (Sarah Grace) take a break while i stepped out of the room and tried to breathe through my crying. How's that song "Mama said there'd be days like this"?!?! Yeah! Exactly! I decided to read a chapter or two of the new study our ladies are starting and after two paragraphs I was crying again! Boy do I need and look forward to this study. I prayed and stepped back and reassessed the situation. I bulit a "fort" in the hallway and surprised the kids. When they said Mama come watch and did dramatic entrances out of the forts curtain, I watched. When Hannah asked to paint, I said yes! When Noah had a preplanned play date with his friend,I didn't cancel because of the bad morning. When Sarah asked me to hold Molly (her babydoll) while I was busy cooking dinner, I gladly put her on my hip. All because tomorrow they will all be another day older. There may be new firsts and new lasts. Tomorrow may hold things unimaginable. Tomorrow may be just another normal day but tomorrow I will look back on these moments and say "You did ok Mama! Let's do ok again!"